RCSI Library supports the learning, teaching, research and clinical activities of RCSI and preserves and promotes the RCSI Heritage Collections.
Our expert team of health information specialists provide advice and services ranging from expert search and retrieval, information and digital literacy skills development, research data management, bibliometric profiling, open access publishing and onsite and online services.
Opening hours
View information for our three locations – 26 York Street, Beaumont Hospital and Heritage Collections in Mercer Building.
RCSI Library provides a wide range of services, meeting the needs of RCSI's learners, researchers, educators and clinicians.
Using the Library
Learn more about book borrowing, booking Library spaces and access for each of our three locations.
Explore our collections, which range from learning resources to historical material.
View our collectionsAbout
Learn more about us and meet the Library team who are on-hand to answer your questions.
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